

I turned 25 last Monday. Most people consider 25 years a milestone, a place where you can celebrate for the journey you had and for being able to reach this far. 

For me, I thank God for the wonderful life He is giving me.
And of course, my family, for their unending love that nourishes me.

I originally wanted to write a well-thought-out blog about turning 25 but my delaying tendencies left me typing this at 12:19 AM. And while I promise to myself everyday that I will be sleeping earlier, I am still obviously failing. But not about blogging this time.

Maaah, so here it is. I just thought that I need to organize my thoughts and preserve my state of mind-my realizations about being 25.

Always always be grateful. Appreciate life and everything that you have. Be thankful and appreciative.

Always value the people who value you. Accept the fact that not everyone will like you... but family, friends and loved ones will be there for you. Value the people who care and don't be affected so much by people who don't. A few good friends will always be better than a lot of friends with no one who really and truly cares. Evaluate the negative comments but don't criticize yourself for being you.

Love yourself. Take care of your health. Safety first! Be health conscious. 

Always be kind no matter what. Always smile and be positive. When you can't help but be sad, admit  your emotions and then get over it.

Always set goals for yourself. And work hard to achieve those goals.

Know your self worth.

Don't bring yourself down. Practice true humility. There is nothing wrong in shining and excelling. Always do your best! Your underperformance will haunt you. Don't be shy to give your best every time.

Don't buy cheap stuff. Know how to value and spend money the right way.

Style is a must. Carry yourself well. Confidence is key!

Always talk to God.

Invest in yourself. There is nothing wrong in spending for yourself especially if it will make you happy or better. But of course, know your limits.

Always learn something new!

Voice out your opinions. Never settle for something just because you're afraid to speak out.

Whenever you feel like doing something, as long as it is not a mortal sin, do it... or the moment passes you by. But of course, practice caution!

Don't gossip. Don't judge. Always see the good in people. Remember, you don't exactly know what others are going through.

Be patient. But learn how to speak out.

Do things well.

Always reflect.

Always strive to be better!

Be beautiful inside and out!

And the list goes on and on................
I should really blog more often!
I really need to organize my thoughts and practice my writing skills.
Who knows, I might be needing it in the near future!

Wish me luck!

Love you 2015!!! :D

Hello 2015!! :)

A new year has come and I would like to start this with a new entry in my blog, and with the promise that I will try to update this more often. 

I have lots of things to be thankful for the year 2014. Basically, it was a year filled with learning and self improvement. I enrolled in Piano, Cooking, Yoga and Driving classes. But of course, my goal to always improve myself does not stop there. 

This year, I'd like to set other goals which are more specific and which can help me prepare for the years to come. I will be turning 25 this year and I know that bigger things are yet to come! 

I am just so thankful with the guidance and love from God and my loved ones. I hope that this year, I would be able to have a bigger heart and be able to give more of what I have.

To the best year ever! To an even more improved version of myself! To the fulfillment of my own and my loved ones' dreams! To a God-centered life! 

Let's do this! :) Let's be inspired! :)