
Make your day count

In an age wherein everything is within a touch of a finger, being able to focus poses a challenge mostly for everyone. And this is so true for me.

For months (years) now, I have been dealing with some discipline issues with regards to using my smartphone. And while the smartphone has been one of the most effective inventions of the century, it is also as I might say, one of the most affecting. I guess anyone can relate.

For starters, as much as I wanted to focus on the things I want to do, I have to admit that for most instances, once I touch my smartphone, I end up wasting at least 10 minutes on social media. Of course, I know that it is completely my fault, and that there's no one else to blame. The smartphone wouldn't work without me. And so again, I am writing this post to challenge myself to decrease my smartphone usage and to try my best to make my day count. 

Message to self: Do things which will upgrade you. Limit the time you waste. I know, I am not totally against using social media but everything should be in moderation. Be proud of your everyday. Be happy everyday. Accomplish everyday. 

Now, I am challenging myself to make my day count everyday. And I really hope I can do it. Amen!


I am not opinionated. That's what I think. I am not sure if it is a consequence of my being indecisive or if I just don't really have strong opinions as part of my unrelenting inclination to avoid conflict with others.

Well, while I am not sure if being opinionated is a good trait or not, I find myself asking why I am usually being passive about things that are happening when some people are outright involved and invested. Is it because of lack of information? Apathy? Laziness? Point is I feel I'm missing something from being overly passive and that there's more to life than just knowing the facts. Sometimes, you have to choose sides because choosing sides or choosing not to choose any, entails understanding things more deeply and thinking more critically.

I can't really clearly remember if I have always been this way. It's just that recently, I am starting to feel that I need to know more about 'the more important things'. 

When I was still in school, all I had to do was to remember the things written in textbooks or lectures given by my professors, and answer exams based on my understanding of the coverage of the lessons. Range of the topics was way limited and it was easy to focus. Now, that I am already living my life freely, away from class curriculums, I find myself overusing to the point of abusing, the freedom that I have on how to spend my time. To cut it shortly, recently, I am guilty of wandering around aimlessly, especially when it comes to current events.

I read the news. Nod once or twice. And then move on. I don't really form strong opinions or research more about the matter.

Learning entails thinking. Reading something but not thinking about it will not make it stick to your mind. Being able to form intelligent opinions is a way of improving your way of thinking. (Not to mention, it adds to your possible list of small talk topics which come in handy when talking with people you don't ever expect of talking to.)

Knowing things is superficial. Being well-informed is the one that counts.

Now, as to one of the things that I will promise myself yet again, I will try to be more involved and more well informed about the things that are happening in my surroundings. I will try my best to know the facts and the figures and decide for myself which side should I choose or if I should not choose a side at all.

Plus, I need to improve my writing skills since I truly feel that I need practice.

Thank you Blogger for giving me this chance to write my thoughts. Let's meet more often.

Now, I need to sleep and prepare for workday tomorrow.

Will try to update you about my life in the next opportunity  I get.