“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.” as for me, the days wherein all my thoughts and memories linger only in my mind halt for now... of course, some will be here, preserved in the webpages of history.
new beginnings always excite me. though i have to admit that at times, they give me that weird jitter, make my heart beat 10 times faster and worst, make me insomniac for a whole night... hahahha, i suddenly remember, up to now, nights before days of exams, first day of classes or big events, i usually can't sleep. haha, much for a wrong timing adrenaline rush!!!
now, i'm starting a new thing again. and honestly, honestly, i mean to keep this... as long as i could. i have thought of making this thing as an outlet of the things that flutter in my mind like buterflies dangling over honeyscented flowers, although the comparison might not be that appropriate. i know, i just know, this is where i can face myself, review my feelings over happenings or perhaps, people. this is where i can be myself, unafraid to explore my emotions and unleash them to the world that has most often judged me in a way that i have not always understood. oh well, that's it, that's their way and this is my way...
i grew up being the person who have so many things to say. i have so many things in my mind, but most often, the majority of them, i just keep to myself. but mind you, i still blurt out some weird ideas and there were moments when i am caught off guard and penalized for my wrong choice of words. hahahha, well, still i know that deep down in my heart i never really intend to hurt anyone. that's just too rude for me. oh no, i am not making an excuse, that's for real... it's just that my being "taklesa" just can't get the hang of me. hahaha, so much for this stuff.
this blog is meant to be shared but it is not meant to be shared. yah, in a different context that is! it's just that i don't like to exploit my private thoughts in a "sooper" manner. i will not define sooper, that's kinda sooper for me too., but the thing is, this is for me. hahahah, the anonymous part of me. that's pretty obvious! hahahah:))
as i write this, i don't care whether people think that i'm just a shallow fellow over here, not anymore, or not in the way i used to think when i was in high school. perhaps, there's just a turning point in your life when you begin to feel that you just can't really please everyone. haha, but of course don't be such a primadonna and piss people off! hhaahaha, that's a different story. well, at least, try to be your nicest self. :)) wink))
i'm not gonna place my identity. but i know that this is the beginning of me, knowing myself evenmore through the very same images i think of myself...in a different perspective.
Lenz, lovely blog sweetie! XD HAHAHA. Astig.
wee, thanks adrian! :))
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