

The title above does not refer to anything in particular. It is just that I was reminded of how important inspirations are. Inspiration. It makes you wake up in the morning even though you lack sleep. It makes you smile even though you feel that the world is at your shoulders. It makes you go on. And believe that life is always worth living for. Whenever I lose my purpose in life, I always remind myself of the inspirations that I have set in my life. My family. My dreams and goals for myself (which include a lot lot lot lot of things... I want to travel. I want to learn to do so many things..... The list goes on and on.) The fact that God put me here in this universe for a purpose and that He loves me. Srsly, God's love is so comforting... more on that some other time) And it is through these things that I manage to get through my everyday life. Right now, I can not say that I am inspired in the definition that most people would think about (HS definition)... but I guess, I am inspired by the fact that I am in awe of life and everything it has to offer. And I guess it is just one of the most important things that I always need to be reminded of. never stop learning, never stop improving yourself. use your time wisely. these are three things i must put into heart.

One of those days

...where I have this yearning to never stop learning.

For the past weeks, I feel that I have been wasting my free time in very trivial matters that won't help me grow as a person. 悔しいですが、時間がなくなちゃった。

And yes. The sudden change in language in this post is a big sign that my mind is composing thoughts in nihongo already and my English is messing up.

I guess I need to read English book again. But thing is, I want to read Nihongo book too.

Sometimes, I feel that time is not enough for me to do everything that I want. But the ironic thing is that when I have time, I waste it.

I guess this is one thing I must struve hard to improve. I think the saying "Time is gold." lasted for a reason.

And I should not waste my precious gold bars.