
Twitter Blog

Nobody is perfect and you have to live with your own imperfections to create your own perfect life. Stop worrying on what's uncontrollable. Focus on the good and the happy. Trust that things will get better from here on. Erase your negative thoughts and believe that even with your imperfections, you're still perfect for the people who really care for and love you. Some things are inevitable but you can always choose to stay on the bright side of life. Lead a life that will make you see past the imperfection because after all, it's your life and you only get one chance to live. So stop the drama and the frustrations. Do what you can to make your life perfect for you.

Short essays for someone's homework

Wrote this for something...  Almost deleted it but imma post it here. :D

Speech Competence

Being able to talk is one of the most basic things that any functional human being can do, but being able to speak effectively is a completely different story. For me, there are 3 essential points that a person must have in order to speak effectively.

First is the ability to listen. A speaker must be able to know the current situation and understand what needs to be said. Also, he or she must know how to respect other people’s opinions. Listening is a very important skill not only for a speaker but for a communicator in general.

Second is the ability to organize your thoughts. This is very important so you can convey your message clearly in a way that listeners would understand. It would help if you can use the appropriate words needed to add more impact to your message and move your audience. The order of the content that you will share to the audience also plays a big role.

Lastly is confidence in delivery. To gain listeners, you must be able to have command on stage. Your voice must be audible and your body language must be consistent with your message. This will also help the audience to relate more with what you are saying. A good content will only be wasted with poor delivery. This is the finishing touch and it should be given with full effort.

Effective speaking is a very important skill nowadays. I know that it is not easy to always be an effective speaker, but with these 3 small steps in mind, I hope I can manage to not just talk, but speak more effectively all the time.

Living Life to the Fullest

I am sure that most of us have already seen this hashtag being used in social media or being used by one of our friends. As we all know it means, “You only live once”.

This word was popularized in a 2011 song and since then was used by people to indicate moments wherein they try to seize the moment and do something bold or extra-ordinary. Have you ever tried using this word?

For me, I like this hashtag because I think that it makes people realize that yes, we just live once, and thus we must not take life for granted. Sometimes, I guess, people have the tendency to just go with the flow, and go through life like it is one big routine. This hashtag reminds me that every second of my life is precious and that I must live in the moment.

How often do we do things absent-mindedly? How often do we use our phones instead of talking to our loved ones? How often do we choose not to say or do the things we want to say because we’re shy or we think there’s always another chance?

We only live once. And we may never pass the same way twice.

I think #YOLO is not just for brave and bold acts. It should be an everyday reminder that each second of our precious life is a gift and we should use it for something meaningful and something we can be proud of.

You only live once. Live it the best way you can!

Make your day count

In an age wherein everything is within a touch of a finger, being able to focus poses a challenge mostly for everyone. And this is so true for me.

For months (years) now, I have been dealing with some discipline issues with regards to using my smartphone. And while the smartphone has been one of the most effective inventions of the century, it is also as I might say, one of the most affecting. I guess anyone can relate.

For starters, as much as I wanted to focus on the things I want to do, I have to admit that for most instances, once I touch my smartphone, I end up wasting at least 10 minutes on social media. Of course, I know that it is completely my fault, and that there's no one else to blame. The smartphone wouldn't work without me. And so again, I am writing this post to challenge myself to decrease my smartphone usage and to try my best to make my day count. 

Message to self: Do things which will upgrade you. Limit the time you waste. I know, I am not totally against using social media but everything should be in moderation. Be proud of your everyday. Be happy everyday. Accomplish everyday. 

Now, I am challenging myself to make my day count everyday. And I really hope I can do it. Amen!


I am not opinionated. That's what I think. I am not sure if it is a consequence of my being indecisive or if I just don't really have strong opinions as part of my unrelenting inclination to avoid conflict with others.

Well, while I am not sure if being opinionated is a good trait or not, I find myself asking why I am usually being passive about things that are happening when some people are outright involved and invested. Is it because of lack of information? Apathy? Laziness? Point is I feel I'm missing something from being overly passive and that there's more to life than just knowing the facts. Sometimes, you have to choose sides because choosing sides or choosing not to choose any, entails understanding things more deeply and thinking more critically.

I can't really clearly remember if I have always been this way. It's just that recently, I am starting to feel that I need to know more about 'the more important things'. 

When I was still in school, all I had to do was to remember the things written in textbooks or lectures given by my professors, and answer exams based on my understanding of the coverage of the lessons. Range of the topics was way limited and it was easy to focus. Now, that I am already living my life freely, away from class curriculums, I find myself overusing to the point of abusing, the freedom that I have on how to spend my time. To cut it shortly, recently, I am guilty of wandering around aimlessly, especially when it comes to current events.

I read the news. Nod once or twice. And then move on. I don't really form strong opinions or research more about the matter.

Learning entails thinking. Reading something but not thinking about it will not make it stick to your mind. Being able to form intelligent opinions is a way of improving your way of thinking. (Not to mention, it adds to your possible list of small talk topics which come in handy when talking with people you don't ever expect of talking to.)

Knowing things is superficial. Being well-informed is the one that counts.

Now, as to one of the things that I will promise myself yet again, I will try to be more involved and more well informed about the things that are happening in my surroundings. I will try my best to know the facts and the figures and decide for myself which side should I choose or if I should not choose a side at all.

Plus, I need to improve my writing skills since I truly feel that I need practice.

Thank you Blogger for giving me this chance to write my thoughts. Let's meet more often.

Now, I need to sleep and prepare for workday tomorrow.

Will try to update you about my life in the next opportunity  I get.


I turned 25 last Monday. Most people consider 25 years a milestone, a place where you can celebrate for the journey you had and for being able to reach this far. 

For me, I thank God for the wonderful life He is giving me.
And of course, my family, for their unending love that nourishes me.

I originally wanted to write a well-thought-out blog about turning 25 but my delaying tendencies left me typing this at 12:19 AM. And while I promise to myself everyday that I will be sleeping earlier, I am still obviously failing. But not about blogging this time.

Maaah, so here it is. I just thought that I need to organize my thoughts and preserve my state of mind-my realizations about being 25.

Always always be grateful. Appreciate life and everything that you have. Be thankful and appreciative.

Always value the people who value you. Accept the fact that not everyone will like you... but family, friends and loved ones will be there for you. Value the people who care and don't be affected so much by people who don't. A few good friends will always be better than a lot of friends with no one who really and truly cares. Evaluate the negative comments but don't criticize yourself for being you.

Love yourself. Take care of your health. Safety first! Be health conscious. 

Always be kind no matter what. Always smile and be positive. When you can't help but be sad, admit  your emotions and then get over it.

Always set goals for yourself. And work hard to achieve those goals.

Know your self worth.

Don't bring yourself down. Practice true humility. There is nothing wrong in shining and excelling. Always do your best! Your underperformance will haunt you. Don't be shy to give your best every time.

Don't buy cheap stuff. Know how to value and spend money the right way.

Style is a must. Carry yourself well. Confidence is key!

Always talk to God.

Invest in yourself. There is nothing wrong in spending for yourself especially if it will make you happy or better. But of course, know your limits.

Always learn something new!

Voice out your opinions. Never settle for something just because you're afraid to speak out.

Whenever you feel like doing something, as long as it is not a mortal sin, do it... or the moment passes you by. But of course, practice caution!

Don't gossip. Don't judge. Always see the good in people. Remember, you don't exactly know what others are going through.

Be patient. But learn how to speak out.

Do things well.

Always reflect.

Always strive to be better!

Be beautiful inside and out!

And the list goes on and on................
I should really blog more often!
I really need to organize my thoughts and practice my writing skills.
Who knows, I might be needing it in the near future!

Wish me luck!

Love you 2015!!! :D

Hello 2015!! :)

A new year has come and I would like to start this with a new entry in my blog, and with the promise that I will try to update this more often. 

I have lots of things to be thankful for the year 2014. Basically, it was a year filled with learning and self improvement. I enrolled in Piano, Cooking, Yoga and Driving classes. But of course, my goal to always improve myself does not stop there. 

This year, I'd like to set other goals which are more specific and which can help me prepare for the years to come. I will be turning 25 this year and I know that bigger things are yet to come! 

I am just so thankful with the guidance and love from God and my loved ones. I hope that this year, I would be able to have a bigger heart and be able to give more of what I have.

To the best year ever! To an even more improved version of myself! To the fulfillment of my own and my loved ones' dreams! To a God-centered life! 

Let's do this! :) Let's be inspired! :)