
You are where you are meant to be.

Recently I have been thinking much if  I have been making the right decisions in life. If I chose the right job, the right career, the right people who are surrounding me, the right personality (not that it can really be chosen, but somehow you can adapt a character and choose to live with that, right?), right whatever. I have to admit that it is not so easy thinking about all these things but I guess almost everyone comes to a point wherein they start to question almost everything that they have done and start to wonder "what if".

It's not that I am regretting my decisions, or not enjoying my state right now (in fact, I am having fun with my life right now, thank God)... But maybe it is just because I know I could have chosen another path and I just wonder, our of curiosity maybe, what could have been.

I guess the point of this blog is losing its point but I think, most of the time, we (or maybe just I) are (am) overpowered by the urge to think of useless things and just arrive at random thought experiments that make us (me) wonder more and arrive to nothing but more questions. What did I just type here?

Yes. Life is a big crossroads. And it is always that we have to choose what we want in our lives. Life has no template wherein you need  to follow a series of procedures and you are sure to get somewhere. Life is really a matter of choice. And it is almost every moment that you need to make a choice.

My point? I believe that a person is where he was meant to be because in the most banal of words, he has chosen to be there. Yes, some might disagree with this. But I believe that one's course of life springs from a series of decisions that he or she has made throughout a period and whether we want it or not, directly or indirectly, those series of decisions, no matter how minute or insignificant they might have seemed during that time, have all led us to where we are right now. Everything is tangled and interconnected and leads to this moment. And this moment, leads to tomorrow's moment.

And while they say that there could always be "ifs". I say that there are always "what ifs of what ifs" too.

Think about it, if the other thing happened, you might still be thinking "what if" the other thing happened, which is actually the thing that made you think the "what if" in the first place. Vicious cycle. That never ends. Or will only end if you accept the fact that you are where you are because you have chosen it. Better yet,  you are where you are because that is where God wants you to be and He has guided you all the way from the start to lead you to the very same spot you are standing right now.

I really think that when you begin to think that everything has a purpose, you stop wandering aimlessly and begin to find more meaning and essence even with the most stupid thing that you can be swallowing from the challenges that are being thrown upon you.

But take note that I am not saying that where you are is where you should stay. Right now, you might or might not like what is happening but like I said, Life is made of choices. And maybe your next decision can just lead to somewhere better or to somewhere more suitable for whatever you think you deserve.

Just hang on there and believe that you are God's masterpiece. And that life is an exciting journey.